ATC Insider

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Jersey Mike’s Month of Giving

  3/24/2017 3:16:54 PM

Jersey Mike’s Month of Giving

This year, the national sub shop chain, Jersey Mike's, is joining forces with nearly 150 local charities for the company’s 7th Annual March “Month of Giving” fundraising campaign. Last year’s Month of Giving raised more than $4 million for local charities nationwide and this year Jersey Mike’s hopes to raise even more.

During the month of March, customers can make donations to Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer at any area Jersey Mike’s restaurant.
The campaign will culminate with Jersey Mike’s “Day of Giving” on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 when 100 percent of the day’s sales from DFW-area Jersey Mike’s locations will go directly to Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer.

You are invited to visit Jersey Mike’s at Alliance Town Center  and enjoy a delicious sub meal. Catering and take-out orders count, too!

For more information, please visit 

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9550 Sage Meadow Trail
Fort Worth, TX 76177